VITAL SIGNS (Temperature, Pulse rate, Respiration Rate and Blood Pressure) - Purpose, Timings, Methods, Signs and Normal Values, Guidelines (2025)



The vital sign or cardinal signs are body temperature, pulse rate, respiration and blood pressure. These signs should be looked at in total, to monitor the vital functions of the body. The signs reflect changes in functions that otherwise it might not be observed. Temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure (BP) and oxygen saturation are measurements that indicate a person’s hemodynamic status. These are the five vital signs most frequently obtained by healthcare practitioners.

Vital signs are measurements that provide essential information about the physiological functions of the body. These measurements are crucial indicators of a person’s overall health and help healthcare professionals assess and monitor various bodily functions. The four primary vital signs are:

  1. Body Temperature:
    • Normal Range: Typically around 98.6°F (37°C) when measured orally.
    • Methods of Measurement: Oral, rectal, tympanic (ear), axillary (underarm), or temporal artery.
  2. Heart Rate (Pulse):
    • Normal Range: Resting heart rate varies but is generally between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm) for adults.
    • Methods of Measurement: Palpating the pulse at various locations (e.g., radial artery on the wrist, carotid artery in the neck) or using electronic monitoring devices.
  3. Respiratory Rate:
    • Normal Range: Adults typically breathe 12 to 20 times per minute.
    • Methods of Measurement: Observing chest movements or counting breaths per minute.
  4. Blood Pressure:
    • Normal Range: The normal range is around 120/80 mm Hg, with variations based on factors such as age, gender, and health condition.
    • Systolic Pressure (the higher number): Represents the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts.
    • Diastolic Pressure (the lower number): Represents the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between beats.
    • Methods of Measurement: Using a blood pressure cuff and a sphygmomanometer or an automated blood pressure monitor.
  • Pain Assessment: Though not a traditional vital sign, pain assessment is often considered alongside vital signs for a comprehensive understanding of a patient’s well-being.
  • Oxygen Saturation (SpO2): Measures the percentage of oxygen in the blood. Normal values are typically between 95% and 100%.
  • Capnography: Monitors the concentration of carbon dioxide in exhaled breath, providing information about respiratory status.


  • Vital signs are the measurementsprovide data can be used to determine the patient’s usual state of health
  • Vital signs, or signs of life,indicate the following objective measures for a person; temperature,respiratory rate, heart beat (pulse), and blood pressure. When these values arenot zero, they indicate that a person is alive. All of these vital signs can beobserved, measured, and monitored. This will enable the assessment of the levelat which an individual is functioning. Normal ranges of measurements of vitalsigns change with age and medical condition


The purposeof recording vital signs is to establish a baseline on admission to a hospital,clinic, professional office, or other encounter with a healthcare provider.Vital signs may be recorded by a nurse, physician, physician’s assistant, orother healthcare professional. The healthcare professional has theresponsibility of interpreting data and identifying any abnormalities from aperson’s normal state, and of establishing if current treatment or medicationsare having the desired effect

Abnormalitiesof the heart are diagnosed by analyzing the heartbeat (or pulse) and bloodpressure. The rate, rhythm and regularity of the beat are assessed, as well asthe strength and tension of the beat, against the arterial wall.

Vital signsare usually recorded from once hourly to four times hourly, as required by aperson’s condition

The vitalsigns are recorded and compared with normal ranges for a person’s age andmedical condition. Based on these results, a decision is made regarding furtheractions to be taken.

All personsshould be made comfortable and reassured that recording vital signs in normalpart of health checks, and that it is necessary to ensure that the state oftheir health is being monitored correctly. Any abnormalities in vital signsshould be reported to the healthcare professional in charge of care


  • On patient’s admission to a healthcare facility
  • In hospital, on routine scheduleaccording to physician’s order or hospital policy
  • During patient’s visit to clinic orphysician’s office
  • Before and after any surgicalprocedure
  • Before and after any invasive diagnosticprocedure
  • Before and after administration ofmedication that affect cardiovascular, respiratory and temperature controlfunction
  • When the patient’s general physicalchanges, e.g. loss of consciousness or increase in intensity of pain
  • Before and after nursinginterventions influencing any one of the vital signs, e.g. before ambulating apatient previously on bed rest or before patient performs range of motionexercises
  • Whenever patient reports to nurse anynon-specific symptoms of physical distress, e.g. “feeling funny or different”


  • Vital signs are governed by vitalorgans and often reveal even the slightest deviation from the normal bodyfunctions
  • The changes in the condition of thepatient improvement or regression may be detected by the observation of thesesigns
  • Significant variations in thesefindings may indicate problems regarding to insufficient consumption
  • Through vital signs, specificinformation may be obtained that will help in the diagnosis, treatment, medicationsand nursing care
  • Patients emotional state may alsocause a significant variation in thesesymptoms


  • Inspection: inspection meansobserving with the eye and is associated with light and seeing
  • Percussion: percussion is tapping anarea to elicit sounds
  • Auscultation: auscultation islistening to sounds within the body with a stethoscope
  • Palpation: palpation is the art offeeling with the hand


  • Temperature 98.6 degree F or 37degree Celcius in adults
  • Pulse 72 beats/minute in adults
  • Respiration 16 breaths/minute inadults
  • Blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg in adults


  • The primary nurse caring for the client is the best one to take vital signs, interpret their significance, and make decisions about care
  • Equipment used to measure vital signs must be appropriate and work properly to ensure accurate finding
  • Knowing the normal range for all vital signs helps the nurse detect abnormalities
  • A client’s normal range may differ from the standard range for that age or physical state. Normal values for a client serve as a baseline for comparing in condition over time
  • Know the client’s medical history and therapies or medication, for vital sign changes
  • Control or minimize environmental factors that may affect vital signs. Measuring a pulse after client experiences an emotional upset, many yield values that are not clear indicators of the client’s current status
  • An organized, systematic approach when taking vital signs ensures accuracy of findings
VITAL SIGNS (Temperature, Pulse rate, Respiration Rate and Blood Pressure) - Purpose, Timings, Methods, Signs and Normal Values, Guidelines (1)





VITAL SIGNS (Temperature, Pulse rate, Respiration Rate and Blood Pressure) - Purpose, Timings, Methods, Signs and Normal Values, Guidelines (2025)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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